Thursday, February 7, 2019

Just When You Thought It Was Safe

The sunflowers come back. I decided to photograph what was left of the back garden before I began to clear it out for replanting later. Also, Google is changing the blogs and I preemptively downgraded my blogs from Google + to plain Google blogs, to see what I might lose. It looks like I'm not going to lose much of anything. I never saw the point of Google + anyway.

I think Google wanted to try to have more Facebook-like features. I loathe and detest Facebook anyway. I think people who are really gung ho on Facebook have some serious cognitive/emotional maturity issues. Same applies to twitter twerps and twits. 

And don't you just feel sorry for nitwits who spend all of their time texting? Their thumbs should fall off.

I know what we need! More of that wholesome garden stuff!